RESULTS: ISAC2016: A3 Small Jumping

Order Cat. Handler Dog Country Mist. Ref. Penalties Time

1. 87 S3 Tobias Wüst Peanut DE 0 0 0.00 31.17
Germany Sheltie

2. 116 S3 Patrick Martin Grisu CH 0 0 0.00 31.75
Switzerland Sheltie

3. 41 S3 Clementine Perche Lucky Star FR 0 0 0.00 31.81
France Sheltie

4. 22 S3 Patrik Rosendal Yenna SE 0 0 0.00 31.89
Sweeden Sheltie

5. 30 S3 Saskia Laudenberg Pepper DE 0 0 0.00 32.78
Germany Sheltie

6. 1 S3 Lizandra Ströhle Lou DE 0 0 0.00 32.87
Germany Sheltie

7. 24 S3 Irene Yrstad Twix NO 0 0 0.00 33.12
Norway Sheltie

8. 68 S3 Els Van Hauwermeiren Elly BE 0 0 0.00 33.47
Belgium Sheltie

9. 94 S3 Victoria Silfverberg Zen SE 0 0 0.00 33.57
Sweeden Sheltie

10. 38 S3 Karin Riegler Katie AT 0 0 0.00 33.66
Austria Sheltie

11. 100 S3 Pia Aström AjAj SE 0 0 0.00 33.69
Sweeden Sheltie

12. 12 S3 Francesca Miletto Uvetta IT 0 0 0.00 33.75
Italy Sheltie

13. 85 S3 Kim Mannaerts Moya BE 0 0 0.00 33.77
Belgium Sheltie

14. 53 S3 Pavol Vakonic Diana SK 0 0 0.00 33.93
Slovakia Sheltie

15. 104 S3 Pavol Vakonic Cira SK 0 0 0.00 34.15
Slovakia Sheltie

16. 19 S3 Sabina Marxer Prici AT 0 0 0.00 34.26
Austria Sheltie

17. 8 S3 Eli Beate Sather Siraja NO 0 0 0.00 34.32
Norway Sheltie

18. 66 S3 Becky-Sue Schiltz Dizzy LU 0 0 0.00 34.36
Luxembourg Sheltie

19. 28 S3 Kris Koprivnik Seven SI 0 0 0.00 34.46
Slovenia Sheltie

20. 42 S3 Mariza Quinzo Gwyneth IT 0 0 0.00 34.64
Italy Sheltie

21. 34 S3 Ralf Bänsch Lyn CH 0 0 0.00 34.67
Switzerland Sheltie

22. 101 S3 Stefano Arnaud Greta IT 0 0 0.00 34.68
Italy Sheltie

23. 83 S3 Ronald Vlemincx Louwie BE 0 0 0.00 34.69
Belgium Sheltie

24. 15 S3 Julia Christians Fuu DE 0 0 0.00 34.77
Germany Sheltie

25. 14 S3 Bernadette Bay Zaz GB 0 0 0.00 34.79
Great Britain Sheltie

26. 56 S3 Martina Konecná Inch CZ 0 0 0.00 34.90
Czech Sheltie

27. 84 S3 Patrick Slokkers May-be NL 0 0 0.00 35.18
Netherlands Sheltie

28. 118 S3 Maria Melakari Izza SE 0 0 0.00 35.23
Sweeden Sheltie

29. 52 S3 Michele Taffijn-du Bois Dinky Dutch NL 0 0 0.00 35.33
Netherlands Sheltie

30. 61 S3 Monika Saling Blackie CZ 0 0 0.00 35.43
Czech Sheltie

31. 2 S3 Sara Berti Mariah IT 0 0 0.00 35.44
Italy Sheltie

32. 26 S3 Natascha Seuré Sui LU 0 0 0.00 35.53
Luxembourg Sheltie

33. 93 S3 Monika Saling Ashley CZ 0 0 0.00 35.59
Czech Sheltie

34. 64 S3 Jana Mikulová Colombina CZ 0 0 0.00 35.78
Czech Sheltie

34. 98 S3 Gitte Hoffmeister Zushi DK 0 0 0.00 35.78
Denmark Sheltie

36. 108 S3 Susanne Prier Dweet DK 0 0 0.00 35.92
Denmark Sheltie

37. 396 S3 Zdenek Smrček Bery CZ 0 0 0.00 36.23
Czech Sheltie

38. 86 S3 Renan Campos Nitro BR 0 0 0.00 36.28
Brazil Sheltie

39. 110 S3 Michele Taffijn-du Bois Escada NL 0 0 0.00 36.52
Netherlands Sheltie

40. 109 S3 Caroline Mellier Eloa CH 0 0 0.00 36.56
Switzerland Sheltie

41. 73 S3 Martine Van Den Bossche Gigi BE 0 0 0.00 36.93
Belgium Sheltie

42. 25 S3 Maitane Alzola Blanco Tango ES 0 0 0.00 37.94
Spain Sheltie

43. 58 S3 Roz Quail Tula GB 0 0 0.00 38.42
Great Britain Sheltie

44. 92 S3 Laura Barlassina Maggie IT 0 0 0.00 39.87
Italy Sheltie

45. 114 S3 Uschi Hornung Gin DE 0 0 0.00 40.05
Germany Sheltie

46. 27 S3 Gioia Hörold Smiley LU 0 0 0.00 40.54
Luxembourg Sheltie

47. 89 S3 Kerstin Baade Sally DE 0 0 0.00 40.56
Germany Sheltie

48. 72 S3 Katerina Kolárová Forest Jump CZ 0 0 0.00 41.89
Czech Sheltie

49. 106 S3 Aline Collaine Dinka FR 0 0 0.00 47.32
France Sheltie

50. 47 S3 Sophie Lafond Felicity FR 1 0 5.00 31.75
France Sheltie

51. 63 S3 Eva Lacnakova Chiqi CZ 0 1 5.00 35.16
Czech Sheltie

52. 60 S3 Linda Enberg Bella SE 0 1 5.00 35.64
Sweeden Sheltie

53. 3 S3 Claudia Schwab Mitch CH 1 0 5.00 36.02
Switzerland Sheltie

54. 99 S3 Ami Koidl Liv AT 0 1 5.00 36.86
Austria Sheltie

55. 117 S3 Marianne Fournier Diddle FR 0 1 5.00 38.21
France Sheltie

56. 21 S3 Anja Diels Kate BE 0 1 5.00 38.88
Belgium Sheltie

57. 112 S3 Geraldine Rissé Fitch LU 0 1 5.00 40.46
Luxembourg Sheltie

58. 4 S3 Laura Peters Nala DE 1 0 5.00 40.92
Germany Sheltie

59. 67 S3 Marian Bruine De Bruin-van Winkel Dot NL 0 1 5.00 42.34
Netherlands Sheltie

60. 88 S3 Karin Riegler Quendy AT 0 1 5.00 42.37
Austria Sheltie

61. 123 S3 Petra Weidl-Tietz Lilo DE 1 0 5.00 42.42
Germany Sheltie

62. 32 S3 Michelle Angerfelt My SE 1 0 5.00 43.73
Sweeden Sheltie

63. 44 S3 Peter Ettinger Ginger DE 0 1 11.06 54.06
Germany Sheltie

6 S3 Uschi Hornung Punica DE
Germany Sheltie

16 S3 Marion Reeber Zuri DE
Germany Sheltie

18 S3 Monika Behrendt Spirou DE
Germany Sheltie

37 S3 Georg Dr. Holzki Lale DE
Germany Sheltie

20 S3 Victoria Silfverberg Zuki SE
Sweeden Sheltie

17 S3 Sandra Sjöberg Milla SE
Sweeden Sheltie

5 S3 Lina Baade Peach DE
Germany Sheltie

65 S3 Siri Evju Janssen Dimmi NO
Norway Sheltie

43 S3 Christine Wingate-Wynne Gizmo GB
Great Britain Sheltie

49 S3 Pauline Mignot End Up Gold FR
France Sheltie

11 S3 Jeannine Gloor T-late CH
Switzerland Sheltie

7 S3 Lea Hödl Rose AT
Austria Sheltie

29 S3 Christa Holzki Rih DE
Germany Sheltie

9 S3 Carole Winandy Speed LU
Luxembourg Sheltie

10 S3 Jana Zumbrägel Fiete DE
Germany Sheltie

55 S3 Carla Luyckx Chickie BE
Belgium Sheltie

59 S3 Miguel De Connic Aily BE
Belgium Sheltie

48 S3 Emmanuelle Mathieu Excel FR
France Sheltie

46 S3 Eva Leandersson Fixa SE
Sweeden Sheltie

13 S3 Maria Melakari Wiki SE
Sweeden Sheltie

45 S3 Eva Persson Zenya SE
Sweeden Sheltie

23 S3 Tone Johannessen Visa NO
Norway Sheltie

50 S3 Wenche Kristin Sather Effie NO
Norway Sheltie

51 S3 Tobias Wüst Dörte DE
Germany Sheltie

62 S3 Bozena Plaßmann Cap DE
Germany Sheltie

35 S3 Angela Koopman Little Miss Abby NL
Netherlands Sheltie

54 S3 Veronique Toniolo Swat IT
Italy Sheltie

31 S3 Cornelia Bührer Nila CH
Switzerland Sheltie

39 S3 Cornelia Bührer Jive CH
Switzerland Sheltie

57 S3 Pavla Solcova Blackie CZ
Czech Sheltie

102 S3 Christa Holzki Boo DE
Germany Sheltie

79 S3 Ronald Vlemincx Jull BE
Belgium Sheltie

82 S3 Katleen De Gussem Lili BE
Belgium Sheltie

96 S3 Eli Beate Sather Zelda NO
Norway Sheltie

91 S3 Tonja Kautz Spicy DE
Germany Sheltie

111 S3 Melanie Stegemann Feivel DE
Germany Sheltie

69 S3 Richard Scholvin Era SE
Sweeden Sheltie

74 S3 Marianne Fournier Gioia FR
France Sheltie

119 S3 Emmanuelle Mathieu Jingle FR
France Sheltie

121 S3 Ralf Bänsch Kenny CH
Switzerland Sheltie

120 S3 Isabelle De Zwart Junta BE
Belgium Sheltie

115 S3 Diminique Mathieu Gipsy FR
France Sheltie

95 S3 Bernadette Bay Yay GB
Great Britain Sheltie

77 S3 Jana Springer Indie DE
Germany Sheltie

80 S3 Alicia Sanson Kaytie DE
Germany Sheltie

113 S3 Sabrina Ackermann Frida DE
Germany Sheltie

97 S3 Vanessa Büsing Zoe DE
Germany Sheltie

75 S3 Emilio Comina Goldrake IT
Italy Sheltie

78 S3 Soana Martinengo Janvier IT
Italy Sheltie

71 S3 Nadine Verkerk Sum DE
Germany Sheltie

70 S3 Moa Matsson Eya SE
Sweeden Sheltie

90 S3 Josefine Karlsson Skim SE
Sweeden Sheltie

107 S3 Natasja Ebben Djillz NL
Netherlands Sheltie

81 S3 Jule Ullrich Lee DE
Germany Sheltie

76 S3 Elodie Moser Hess O Hess FR
France Sheltie

124 S3 Laure Jaquinet Angel CH
Switzerland Sheltie

105 S3 Ursula Denzler Dayana CH
Switzerland Sheltie

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