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IFCS WAC 2016: Free VOD of Agility Standard B1 13/4/2016
Click here to watch the video of Agility-Standard – Biathlon (B1) Because there were some interuptions during the livestream FREE VOD is offered so the runs you might have missed can be viewed as well To watch the livest...

IFCS WAC: results Biathlon standard agility
see http://wacnl.com/results.html

IFCS WAC: problems with the purchase of livestream tickets are solved
A bug in the software at the livestream provider caused some problems in the pre-sales of livestream tickets for the IFCS WAS 13-17/4 in Laag Soeren (NL) Viewers could give their e-mail address en password, but were not ...

RESULTS: FCI AWC qualifications Netherlands AG2 Large
Pl StartNr Handler Hond Tijd Score Points 1 42 Miriam Vriens Summit 38,4 0 75 2 41 Peter Spoorenberg Clive 40,4 0 55 3 50 Henk Timmer Feng 40,46 0 54 3 64 Tanja Wiersma Mystic 40,46 0 54 5 16 Tanja Wiersma Twilight 42,08...

RESULTS: FCI AWC qualifications Netherlands AG2 Medium
Pl StartNr Handler Hond Tijd Score Opm 1 82 Marjan Bosgoed Magic 41,2 0 75 2 87 Gisèle Wal Holly 45,82 0,82 3 97 Marjan Bosgoed Hokey 38,06 5 10 4 90 Roy Fonteijn Funske 39,9 5 10 5 102 Frank Maene Enzo 44,1 5 6 93 Henk ...