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EO2021 in Portugal, EO2022 in Belgium

The European Open will take place in Abrantes, Portugal in 2021. Abrantes lies literally in the center of Portugal, just next to the E90 highway that comes directly from Central Europe. It’s about 130km from the Ai...

EOJ back to the original location in Roosendaal

Due to problems with getting permits for camping for the EOJ location a month ago, the organisation put in a lot of effort to find alternatives. After several unsuccessful attempts to relocate the event, the EOJ will be ...


The organisation of the EOJ 2018 announces  that the final destination where the EOJ 2018 will be held has been changed to Breda. They state that they wanted the best location for all. Main reasons : More space Big and d...

EOJ2018: Last minute change of location

The organisation of the EOJ2018 announces that unfortunately there is a last minute change in the location of the EOJ 2018. After complaints against the event by some of the neighbours, the mayor of the city of Roosendaa...

IFCS WAC 2019 in The Netherlands

Due to unexpected changes IFCS has searched and found an alternative host for the IFCS World Agility Championships for 2019. This event will be hosted by FHN in the Netherlands 10-14 April 2019 in Hellendoorn.

EO2019: The first two judges are announced

Bonnik Berthelsen (Denmark) and Pascale Crespel (France) are the two judges appointed by the FCI for the European Open 2019, which will be held in Netherlands The other 2 judges and 2 contact judges will be...