NR NAME DOG NAME COUNTRY 115 Dominique Mathieu Dexter France 116 Valentina Ciocchetti Ivy Blue Italy 117 Valeria Marinelli Prince Italy 118 Veronique Leers Puma Belgium 119 Yana Gentjens Sim Belgium 120 Carla Luyckx Youc...
Running orders Medium NR NAME DOG NAME COUNTRY 26 Nele Stevens Nalu Belgium 27 Audrey Nifenecker Ip Ip Ip Hourra France 29 Carla Voorneveld Jussi Netherlands 30 Miguel De Coninck Ruby Belgium 31 Angelique Simons Fiona Ne...
On 22 October 2015, a press released was issued stating that the Brussels Court of Appeal rules in favour of freedom of choice for riders, thus enabling launch of Global Champions League (GCL) in 2016. In June of this ye...